
  • Child Driving Home From Out Of State College? 2 Things That Should Be Checked First

    If your child is finished with college for the year and will be coming home for the summer, a few things should be checked in their car first. This is especially true because they are out of state and will be driving a long distance. They also have likely used their car a lot throughout the year, which can put some wear and tear on it. Below are two of these things so they can have a safe trip home.
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  • 3 Car Parts That A Transmission Must Have To Function

    The main part that your car must have in order to be driven is a transmission, which is automatic in the majority of vehicle models. There are several parts to an automatic transmission that contributes to helping it function. If any of the parts become problematic, you can end up with a car that you are unable to drive. It is wise to make sure repairs are made to the transmission as soon as they are needed rather than having to invest in a new one, as it is an expensive part.
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